WHITEPINE Real Estate 510 Spruce Street Bovill, IDAHO 83806 (208)-882-2200 or (208)-826-3470 OFFICE (888)-882-2206 TOLL FREE

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MLS#: 60822

Price: $75,000

Address: 114 Main Street

City/State: Bovill, Idaho

Square Footage: 4000 s/f

Lot Size: 25'X120'

Other Features:Historic 1913 brick building that was originally the first bank for this Potlatch Company town. The upstairs was a Masonic Lodge. The main floor is setup as a tavern and is locally known as The Elk Tavern. There is an apartment in the back of the tavern and the old bank vault has been converted into a walk-in cooler. The upstairs is basically one big open room with original woodwork and windows, high ceilings and 2 corner fireplaces.

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E-mail: abob@moscow.com
